Monday, June 28, 2010

the evil that is faith

people -- read The End of Faith by Sam Harris, god is not GREAT by Christopher Hitchens, and The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. you will realize how inherently evil is faith -- belief without proof -- and how no religion should be tolerated in a supposedly modern, urbane society. the more we give faith a free pass, the more we will have people flying planes into buildings. after all, they were only doing what their faith told them, and they were sincere believers, not crazed animals.

truly civilized people find the idea of faith repugnant and ridiculous. don't sanction faith over scientific proof, and don't make up irrational arguments in favor of god and faith that can be refuted by the merest among us thinkers. faith allowed pedophiles to be alone with children, and faith kept those children silent about their abuse for a very long time. what will faith be responsible for next?

1 comment:

  1. funny but
    faith is gregarism
    faith allowed civilization
    faith is a meme faith in a man, in a ideology,
    or a small god or demon
    faith made the piramids
    faith made the man live und die for thy my king
    my lord or
    faith made greek pedophiles
    fear and not faith kept those children silent about their abuse for a very long time.
    what will faith be responsible for next?
    don't know but without faith in the believes of another man
    why following, why live in the same place like ants dying for better tomorrows
    sorry for the pessimum anglo-sax...
